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Scientists Found a Unique Lifestyle that Improves Wellness

Scientists Found a Unique Lifestyle that Improves Wellness

[Technology Saw] – In a novel study, scientists found a unique lifestyle that improves wellness.


  • Across cultures, belief in creative activities like art, dance and music as healing tools is universal.
  • Research in the global south is lacking, highlighting the need for culturally diverse healing methods, especially in regions with trauma and limited resources.
  • A recent study interviewed 20 South Africans to understand how writing courses affect mental health.
  • Participants generally experienced improved mental health and wellness after joining writing courses.
  • Writing courses offer a cost-effective means to enhance psychological well-being, fostering creativity and resilience through positive storytelling.
  •  mastering the art of wellness.

Throughout history, people from various cultures have believed in engaging in creative activities. This includes art, storytelling, dance, and music, which can help with healing. This idea has been widely accepted and practiced.

In recent years, there has been a lot of research in countries in the global north on how writing creatively can have therapeutic benefits. However, this kind of research hasn’t been done as much in countries in the global south.

This is important because it’s necessary to explore healing methods in different settings. This is especially where there are issues like trauma, limited resources and a need to build caring and compassionate societies.

A new paper, written by a team of researchers including medical students and academics from the University of Cape Town looks at a study conducted among a diverse group of South Africans who were part of a writing group called the Life Righting Collective.

The study involved interviewing 20 members of this group to understand how participating in writing activities affected their well-being.

The findings showed that most participants experienced improvements in their overall wellness and mental health after joining these writing courses.

Also, this is consistent with other research that suggests creative writing can lead to healthier choices. Also, better relationships, improved mental health and enhanced work prospects.

The study suggests that these writing courses could be helpful. It is also a low-cost way to improve psychological well-being, even without medical intervention.

Here’s how it works:

The Life Righting Collective believes that creativity is a natural tool for processing life experiences. They offer writing courses of various lengths for groups of eight to 18 people.

They also raise funds to sponsor those who can’t afford the courses, ensuring that everyone can participate.

The goal of these courses is to encourage creativity and play as methods of change. It allows participants to transform negative narratives into stories that support and connect with others.

A trained facilitator leads the writing exercises and feedback sessions, creating a safe and supportive environment. Participants are encouraged to value their own creative expression and share their stories authentically.

The writing exercises help them find new ways to narrate their experiences.

Before sharing their work, participants discuss any sensitive content, and the facilitator ensures that the group remains respectful and supportive.

While the focus is not on therapy, the facilitator is available to help anyone who becomes distressed.

Participants are provided with a list of mental health resources if they need further support.

The researchers concluded that group writing sessions are beneficial for promoting self-care. Also, community support, especially in diverse communities like those in South Africa.

Sharing personal experiences through writing can build confidence and advocacy skills, which are crucial in countries dealing with various challenges.

They suggest that similar writing courses could be integrated into educational and training programs to make these benefits more widely accessible.

This could include schools, universities, government agencies, nonprofits and other community organizations.

The Art of Wellness

Wellness is like a complex quilt made up of different pieces—our physical health, mental well-being, emotions and spiritual fulfillment.

But there’s one piece that often gets overlooked: art. The art of wellness is all about how being creative can make us feel better in every way.

Think of it this way: being creative isn’t just something extra or fun. It’s actually really important for us to thrive as human beings.

When we get creative, it’s like we’re entering a special zone where we can explore our thoughts and feelings, face our fears, and break free from our limitations.

It helps us be more mindful and focused, which can lower our stress, calm our nerves and lift our moods.

But the art of wellness isn’t just about helping ourselves—it’s also about bringing people together and making our communities stronger.

When we share creative experiences, we can build connections, understand each other better and even work together to make positive changes in society.

Ultimately, the art of wellness is about recognizing that creativity is something we all have inside us—it’s part of being human.

It’s about rediscovering our ability to dream, invent and express ourselves authentically.

In a world that often pushes us to be busy all the time and consume rather than create, embracing our creative side becomes an act of taking care of ourselves and standing up for what really matters.

Mastering the Art of Wellness

One way to master the art of wellness is through mindful meditation. Mindful meditation means focusing on the present moment, paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judging them.

It is like training your mind to be more aware and calm. This practice helps you understand yourself better, manage your emotions and feel less stressed.

So, by practicing mindfulness every day, you can feel more peaceful and resilient, which boosts your overall well-being.

Holistic nutrition and diet

Holistic nutrition is all about eating foods that nourish your body, mind and emotions.

It’s about choosing whole, nutrient-rich foods like fruits, veggies, lean meats and healthy fats to keep your energy up, mood stable, and immune system strong.

Also, paying attention to how you eat, like listening to when you are hungry and enjoying every bite, makes your meals more satisfying and nutritious.

Regular physical activity and exercise

Doing regular exercise isn’t just good for your body; it’s great for your mind and emotions too.

Whether you are walking, jogging, doing yoga or lifting weights, exercise releases happy chemicals in your brain called endorphins, making you feel happier and more relaxed.

Adding some movement to your daily routine can boost your energy, help you sleep better and reduce stress and anxiety.

Like the above study, being creative, whether through art, writing, music or dance, is like letting out your emotions and stress in a fun and safe way.

It’s a chance to explore your thoughts and feelings without worrying about being judged. Art therapy, in particular, gives you a structured way to use art to learn more about yourself, heal and grow as a person.

Cultivating social connections and support systems

Having strong relationships and a support network is super important for your mental and emotional well-being.

Spending time with friends, family, and people who care about you makes you feel like you belong and strengthens your bonds with others.

When you talk openly, listen actively and offer support to each other, you create a positive and caring environment that helps everyone feel emotionally stable and grow together.

Holistic Self-Care Practices

Holistic self-care means taking care of your whole self—your body, mind and spirit—by doing things that make you feel good inside and out.

Whether it’s writing in a journal, practicing gratitude, using essential oils, or spending time in nature, these activities help you recharge, relax and connect with yourself.

So, by making self-care a part of your daily routine, you can boost your energy, reduce stress and feel more fulfilled and happy.

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