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Physicists Answer Long-Unanswered Question in Magnetism

Physicists Answer Long-Unanswered Question in Magnetism

[Technology Saw] – Physicists have finally found the answer to a long-unanswered question in magnetism.


  • Physicists found magnets defying norms, floating mid-air when one spun rapidly nearby.
  • The team explored magnet levitation, linking one to a motor to witness the enchanting effect.
  • The lead physicist marveled at the unusual sight where a spinning magnet defied typical attraction or repulsion.
  • The physicists delved deeper, experimenting with various magnets and spin speeds, using advanced tools like high-speed cameras for detailed analysis.
  • A computer simulation deepened their understanding, revealing the intricate balance where fast-spinning magnets induce spin in others. s
  • Ways to avoid accidents caused by magnetic fields when working with magnets.

Wonders in Magnetism

I believe you are familiar with magnets—those things that stick to your fridge or snap together, behaving in a way that defies the rules we have always known. Well, that’s what’s been puzzling scientists lately.

A while back [2021], a scientist in Turkey noticed something bizarre: one magnet seemed to float in mid-air when another magnet nearby was spinning really fast.

This got a bunch of physicists scratching their heads because, according to what they knew about magnets, this was not supposed to happen.

So, a team at the Technical University of Denmark decided to dig deeper. They set up experiments where one magnet was connected to a motor. So, when they spun it, another magnet nearby started levitating.

This kind of levitation isn’t something we are used to seeing with magnets – it’s like magic, but real science.

Rasmus Bjørk, one of the physicists leading the study, was super curious about this whole floating magnet business.

Bjørk mentioned that usually, magnets either pull towards each other or push away. But in this case, spinning one magnet seemed to make the other one float, and that’s pretty weird.

Their experiments weren’t just one-time things. They tried different kinds of magnets and spun them at different speeds to see what happened.

They even used fancy cameras and special software to watch everything in slow motion, trying to figure out why this was going on.

What the physicists found was unexpected:

Normally, magnets would either attract or repel each other, but here, the floating magnet positioned itself in a way that wasn’t supposed to happen according to the usual magnet rules.

Instead of being pushed away or pulled in, it kind of hung out near the spinning magnet and aligned itself in a way that surprised everyone.

To understand this better, the physicists made a computer simulation. In their virtual world, they could control how the two magnets interacted.

What they saw was that when one magnet spun really fast, it made the other magnet try to spin too, like a spinning top making another one twirl.

But the floating magnet couldn’t spin fast enough, so it just sort of stayed in place, floating mysteriously.

It turns out that there was a delicate balance going on between how the magnets were positioned and the forces they were feeling.

This delicate balance made the floating magnet stay put, as long as everything kept working together just right.

In the end, Rasmus Bjørk and his team published this in the journal Physical Review Applied. Their research is all about unlocking the secrets of why these magnets seem to break all the rules we thought we knew about them.

It’s like they are rewriting the rulebook for magnets, and it’s pretty exciting stuff for the world of physics.

Keeping an eye on magnetic fields

Magnetic fields are incredibly important for understanding how things work in the universe, from tiny particles to massive galaxies. These fields are created by the movement of charged particles like electrons in atoms.

When these particles move, they generate magnetic forces that can push or pull on other charged particles or magnetic materials.

You should know that at the core of magnetism is electromagnetism, which shows how electric currents and magnetic fields are linked.

One big thing about magnetic fields is how they can push or pull on charged particles that are moving.

You can see this in action with a compass needle, which lines up with Earth’s magnetic field to help us figure out which way is north.

Electric motors also rely on this interaction between magnetic fields and electric currents to make things move, like in cars or factory machines.

But magnetic fields aren’t just important for technology; they are also key to understanding space. Magnetic fields are everywhere in space and affect how stars and galaxies form and grow.

However, care needs to be taken when dealing with magnetic fields, as accidents are bound to happen if not handled carefully.

Ways to Avoid Accidents Caused by Magnetic Fields When Working with Magnets

Working with magnets can be risky, so it’s crucial to take precautions to avoid accidents caused by their magnetic fields. These are some of the ways you can keep yourself safe:

Establish Emergency Procedures: Develop and communicate emergency procedures for dealing with accidents involving magnets.

This includes protocols for handling injuries caused by pinching or crushing and guidelines for safely disengaging magnets.

Protect Yourself with Gear: When dealing with strong magnets or working close to them, make sure to wear protective gear like gloves and safety glasses.

This is to prevent injuries in case the magnets unexpectedly attract each other or snap together.

Also, be aware of the attractive force between magnets. Avoid letting them come together suddenly, as it can lead to pinching or crushing injuries. More so, when separating magnets, do it slowly and with control.

Secure Magnets During Transportation: When moving large or powerful magnets, secure them properly to prevent movement and potential accidents.

You can do this by using containers or packaging designed for magnetic materials and ensuring they are clearly labeled.

Also, employ shields or barriers to contain and redirect magnetic fields. This helps create safer workspaces by reducing the magnetic influence on surrounding objects and minimizing the risk of accidents.

Don’t forget to design your work area to control the movement and placement of magnets. Use fixtures or holders to keep magnets secure during work, preventing unexpected shifts or attractions.

Maintain a safe distance.

Keep a reasonable distance between magnets and any metal objects or other magnets that they might be attracted to. This helps avoid accidental contact and potential accidents.

Do well to clearly label zones where strong magnetic fields are present. This warns others about potential dangers and ensures they take necessary precautions when entering these areas.

More so, if you are working with magnets, make sure you have received proper training. Understand the risks associated with magnetic fields and learn how to handle magnets safely.

This is especially important in places where powerful magnets are commonly used, like industrial settings.

Handle Small Magnets with Tools: Small magnets can be tricky. Use tools or tweezers for manipulation to avoid direct contact. Also, store small magnets in containers to prevent them from attracting each other.

Every so often, inspect magnets for damage or signs of wear. Damaged magnets might have altered magnetic fields, increasing the risk of accidents. Replace or repair damaged magnets promptly.

If you stick to these safety measures, you can significantly reduce the risks associated with working with magnets and ensure a safer work environment.

However, this breakthrough is not just exciting for the researchers but also holds significance in advancing our understanding of physics and magnetism.

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