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About Us

Welcome to Technology-Saw, where we are excited about all things tech. We believe that the coolest stuff in the world happens when we use technology in smart and secure ways.

Our main goal here is to give you a cool space to explore and learn about the awesome worlds of tech innovation and quantum computing. It’s not just about getting you hyped up but also helping you learn more and stay up-to-date with the latest breakthroughs.

What makes Technology-Saw stand out is our commitment to giving you top-notch, reliable and interesting content. Our team of experts works hard to pick out the latest news and features. We are careful to make sure everything we share is not just correct and relevant but also gets you thinking.

Unlike some others out there, we are against mere hyping, republishing press release or making things sound simpler than they are just to get more clicks. We stay neutral when it comes to checking or challenging different beliefs.

Our main focus is on bringing you trustworthy information about tech innovation. We only cover studies that have been seriously checked and scrutinized in peer-reviewed journals related to technology. And to make things even cooler, we talk to tech experts and cybersecurity professionals to get their insights in order to widen your understanding.

To give you the best content possible, we also mix in what we find from our own research and analysis.

Our Editor-in-Chief is James Maxwell, and our awesome team of writers are Susan Smith, Anthony Clark, Mabel Stone and Philip Jacob. They are the ones making sure you get the scoop on the latest tech happenings.

James Maxwell is the owner of this website. This website is sustained through ads.